Approach Anxiety
Eliminate your approach anxiety and re-wire your mindset so that approaching women is the most natural thing in the world, something you just do without thinking, and a normal part of your everyday life!

- Do you struggle to approach new women in social settings?
- Perhaps you completely freeze up when you try to approach a woman you find attractive, or even just at the thought of having to do it?
- Is your approach anxiety stopping you from starting relationships, dating beautiful women and holding you back in life?
Approach anxiety is natural, it shows that we are excited, nervous, that we care, everyone experiences it... but for you, for whatever reason, somewhere along the way your approach anxiety has always been stronger, more overpowering, or perhaps has got worse and worse over time as you continue not to approach women and build it up more and more within your mind (into something it isn't...)
There is some good news, approach anxiety is a state of mind and you don't have to think like this forever. It is a set of beliefs and assumptions within your mind which directly influence your behaviour, in a negative way.
Through the power of hypnosis you can directly target these beliefs and assumptions and naturally remove them and change them into much more beneficial beliefs which will influence your behavior, in a positive way!
Hypnosis is extremely effective at treating social anxiety, confidence and self belief, and approach anxiety is no different – because these beliefs exist within your subconscious mind they can be hard to reach and change – but not for hypnosis, this is how it works best, it does gain direct access into your subconscious and can make changes to your inner beliefs systems much more naturally.
Here is how this transformational approach anxiety hypnosis download will help you:
- Make it easier for you to approach women simply by removing large amounts of the anxiety you experience. Even early on after listening to this session you will feel the weight of anxiety lifted from you. The hypnotic commands will penetrate into your mind to help you to change the way you feel about approaching women – it won't seem nearly half as bad, you might even laugh at yourself for how much you over exaggerated it, and at how much more natural it feels.
- Change the anxiety, and re-associate it into excitement. Try and think about it, there is little difference between excitement and anxiety.. those who are confident with women will experience excitement where you feel anxiety.. but with help from this hypnosis session you will start to think like this too! Your anxiety will actually help you! It will fire you up to approach, make you think positively, and put you into a high energy, attractive state! Your approaches will actually benefit from using the anxiety in this way!
- Naturally feel you approach anxiety start to dissolve inside of you. The more you listen, and the more women you approach you will feel your your approach anxiety slipping away from within. Every approach will get easier, you will see yourself literally making progress every day and soon you won't even think about it again, and just approach women naturally, as a natural part of your daily life – approaching women will become just a natural part of who you are.
- Reverse your thinking about approaching. Currently you avoid approaching in fear of the negative outcome, the fear of rejection, social embarrassment and awkwardness. You run the negative scenario through your head first.. no wonder you don't approach! This hypnosis session will change the way you think on a core level. Instead of thinking about the negatives you will think about the positives – how she will smile, how things could go really well, how you could end up chatting and laughing and mutually swapping contact details. You will imagine all of the positive experiences and adventures the approach could lead to and this will fire you up to approach more than ever.
Eventually you will get to the point where you will be naturally approaching women without thinking about it... where you simply can not, not approach a woman you find attractive as the pain of not approaching her would be worse for you (in wondering what could have happened and in feeling a lost opportunity) than the effort to approach her – there will be no effort, it will be exciting and just a natural part of who you are.
Reading this right now, if you really suffer from approach anxiety, you might be a little skeptical, but with a little practice, supported by this focused hypnosis session you really can change your mindset, and once you change your mindset, how you feel about approaching women changes... then it becomes easier, and then you do really will see yourself making progress in your approaches and in your overall success with women!
We have a 60 day money back guarantee on all of our products, but we just want to reinforce it here – if your dating life doesn't change for the better after listening to this album, if you don't find approaches much easier and much more natural and make real progress then please just contact us, we don't want your money, and we will give a complete refund.
What to Expect
Listening to this album is a pleasant experience but it can be quite deep and really make you think about yourself in a different way. It is a transformational experience and will make you think about your own beliefs and associations towards women. You will finish the session feeling positive and empowered... and ready to approach!
Short Term
In the beginning we recommend listening to this album before you go out to approach women. This will make sure the hypnotic suggestions are fresh in your mind, that you are feeling positive and energized to approach women. It will make approaching easier, you will feel less anxiety and you will make more progress in a shorter amount of time towards really eliminating your approach anxiety altogether.
Long Term
As you continue to listen and continue to approach women you will progress in leaps and bounds. Approaching will be much more natural to you. You will feel excited rather than anxious or nervous and approaching beautiful women will just be second nature to you, a normal thing for you to do when you are attracted to someone.
Download your approach anxiety hypnosis mp3 today and dramatically transform your experience of approaching women until it becomes just natural to you.