Casey Scott, Portland, USA
I have a lot of experience with a wide variety of relaxation and trance techniques. I tried [Natural Tranquility] and immediately achieved a deep, blissful trance state the first time. I have been using it daily for the past week and it is astonishing to be able to reach a state that is so deep and yet so lucid with zero effort. Brennan radiates a sincere and trustworthy energy, so thanks Brennan, I will definitely recommend to friends.
Rae Rousseau, Peterborough, UK
I would like to thank you all very much for the download - Natural Tranquility. I used it last night on retiring and first thing this morning. I'm not sure if this is coincidence or not, but I feel so much better today. I have had a very unpleasant time for sometime now but today it feels as though my "Spirits have lifted". Thank you very very much
Donald Mackenzie, Hampshire, UK
WOW that was fantastic. Had a really bad depressing 2 days and then listening to the download got me right back on track. Thank you so much . I am really grateful. Bless you with pure source energy.
Jennifer Jackson, North Carolina, USA
Thank you. All I can say is WOW!!!. I listened to the self assurance track and I feel so good. I plan to listen to the same track for a week. I needed this at this time in my journey. Thank you so much
Kate Withers, Wakefield, UK
This afternoon I was booked into hospital to have an endoscopy done and I was due to have been given a sedative as well as the fact that I should have taken my prescribed sedatives/tranquilizers before leaving home. However, I got through the whole process without any medication. I have suffered from panic disorder for many years, and as this procedure previously resulted in panic attacks, I was planning to ask for as much help as possible to stay calm. THAT JUST WASN'T NECESSARY!! The fact that I didn't need medication meant that I was able to return home straight away afterwards and also I'm not suffering from either the side effects of the medication or the after effects of a huge panic attack!
Charles Russell Williamson, Jackson, USA
I've been practicing self-hypnosis therapy for several years, most audio tracks have little to no effect on me if they contain any message I do not agree with. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised, I was quickly brought into a calming deep trance and regained consciousness immediately upon the awakening countdown at the end of the track. I was very impressed by the professional and effective approach, and I will definitely be using your albums for future self-improvement possibilities. Thanks so much for your great service.
Donald Mackenziee, Hampshire, UK
I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Natural Hypnosis and to Brennan Smith. I trade on the Forex market as an average trader from home. After listening to Brennan once yesterday and again before I started trading, I am not kidding you, I have had the best day ever. I also had money vouchers come in the post today which I was not expecting. WOW! I started with a one pound coin (in the UK our first note is a £5.00 note) in my top pocket next to my heart and followed what Brennan advised. FANTASTIC!!!! I am soooo grateful. Thank you so much.
Lee Greatrex, California, USA
Thank you, the download was truly amazing and have never felt relaxed so much as i do now! I have a 4 year old who runs riot and i get stressed and anxious and am a 37 year old man, but look after him full time. He has gotten cheekier, but now i feel totally calm and am sure i can deal with him and everything else in a more happier and relaxed state of mind!
James Milne, Edinburgh, Scotland
I have had four major (and three minor) surgeries to my lower back, over the past 12 years. In the past four years, I have had fibromyalgia and have been on all sorts of medication, I still am. I have been going to my local healers in Aberdeen Scotland for the past 2 months, where i have been going through a slow transformation for the better. Then natural hypnosis came along and WOW, I have listened everyday as instructed and i have cut down in my medication, I am starting to feel more alive and i am so relaxed i had forgotten what it felt like. All the thank you's in the world, love and peace James
Martin Okon, Bochum, Germany
I use it in the evening when I go to bed and basically fall a sleep with in the first 10 minutes listening to the recording on my ipod. Its a bit like 30 minutes are over with in an instance - it is putting me in a deep and very relaxing Trance. For me its a great substitute for my daily meditation sessions. The music and voice lead very well and very easy into relaxation and than very quickly into a deep trance. The intro part in itself already very cleverly uses hypnotic suggestions
Nura Abu Khalil, Amman, Jordan
Your hypnosis albums absolutely magical, different from anything else out there. Starting from this hypnotic, deep, soft, voice guiding me through these out-of-the-world moments, indirectly forcing me to challenge myself, step out of my own world; and trust the voice to drown in a an unknown world.. To the extreme joy in traveling along feeling the obvious good intention and clarity of the hypnotist... To the unexpected turns and waking up feeling fabulous. Every. Single. Time: I sit down for this incredible half hour and wake up that refreshed and euphoric!
Aisha Z. Shael, Columbus, USA
After using several of the the Natural Hypnosis albums for a few weeks, I already see a difference in the way I feel mentally, emotionally, and physically. My behaviors are changing, I'm accomplishing goals, and I feel more authentic. I'm also noticing that no matter how tired I may feel at the beginning of an album, I feel much clearer and revitalized at the end. The remarkable difference came from listening: the very next morning I felt a shift in my energies, a confidence I hadn't felt before listening.
Debra West, Colorado, USA
I just wanted to write to you after using the Attract Your Soul Mate program. There is a man I dated several months ago. He wasn't ready for a real relationship and we broke up. We remained friends, but nothing further. I started using your program and our relationship went from friendly to flirty. After about 3 weeks he said he wasn't afraid of being in a relationship anymore and wanted us to be together. So far it's going well and I feel that Natural Hypnosis helped, thank you.
Michelle Lish, Sydney, Australia
I used the sleep hypnosis for the first time last night and I was asleep within 30 minutes, thank you - I can feel my sanity coming back by getting the sleep I need!!
Heather Macdonald, Ontario, Canada
I have been using [your weight loss hypnosis cds] for about 5 weeks and can't believe the difference. I have struggled with weight loss my entire life and for the first time am finding food is not my first thought when I am tired, stressed or bored. I feel like all my goals can be met in all areas of my life. Because I think differently and present myself differently, people are viewing me differently and more opportunities have been coming my way. Thank you for doing such a great job!