In the video bellow, Brennan Smith, Natural Hypnosis hypnotherapist, discusses how we can praise people and try and make them see that they are worthy of self esteem just like anyone else is.
Brennan argues that it is maybe more benneficial to talk about our flaws and to understand that we are all flawed. And that means that you are as worty as anyone else, as everyone else is flawed just like you.
Brennan has made a mp3 session to help you with your self esteem issues - get it here or find our procrastination elimination album here.
Watch the video below and see Brennan discuss this issue.
Also, feel free to read the video transcript that we've prepaired for you.
The self esteem thing, right, let's talk about that.
You can talk people blue in the face about how worthy they are and about how they have a right to self esteem if they just allow themselves.
- Like if you believe in god, then you're worthy because we're all created as beautiful beings in gods image.
- Or, if you're more of an atheist or an agnostic, then of course we're all equally worthy because we are all born into this genetic experience and it's wide open from there what we choose to do.
But what's far more usefull than talking about worthiness which people have a hard time connecting to their self esteem some times, it seems hard to get to, is to instead talk about our flaws.
That is to say, we are all silly, insecure, approval needing people with flaws.
And if we're all that way - and you and I can pretty much agree that we are, right? - then I'm not broken just because I'm flawed.
I'm just human! And this makes it easier to laugh at our stuff and move on.
So that's a lot of the conversation with people who come into session about self esteem worthiness.
See other parts of the Hypnosis and Procrastrination Series:
Hypnosis and Procrastination Part 1: Introduction and Overview
Hypnosis and Procrastination Part 2: Perfectionism and Procrastination
Hypnosis and Procrastination Part 4: Fear of Success