Confidence with Men
Develop natural confidence with men to get much more positive attention from men and have much more success in dating!

- Do you lack confidence around men?
- Do you low self belief and self esteem issues about men and about dating?
- Do you feel nervous, awkward and shy when men come and talk to you? Especially if it is a man you find attractive?
- Do you want to develop natural, lasting confidence with men, so that you can talk naturally, flirt confidently, and even be the one to share your feelings or make the move!?
Attraction from men isn't all about looks, and you probably know this if you have friends who always seem to get the attention and get the man they want. It is more about confidence and attitude, and even about just having the confidence to flirt, share your feelings and make the first move. It is women with the confidence to do this who really get their man!
Men find confidence extremely attractive in a woman. When they see a woman who is independent, outgoing, strong, confident, who loves herself for who she is and lives her life her way, without worrying what other people think about her and without holding her personality back... their attraction impulses fire like crazy!
Men love to approach a confident woman! If you project out confidence then you will get much more attention, a lot more men approaching you (and higher quality confident men!), and much more attraction!
The good news is that confidence isn't something you are just born with or without, it is something which you can acquire! Real confidence starts within and grows over time, becoming more and more external and part of you.
This is why hypnosis can be extremely effective at improving confidence; it targets your subconscious mind directly where it breaks down, shapes and re-moulds your inner beliefs right at your core – thus instilling within you real and lasting confidence...
However, that's not all, this isn't just a “normal” hypnosis for confidence session – this is a unique session, designed specifically to enhance your confidence with men!
This world unique hypnosis session works in two main ways to transform your inner confidence, how your mind works when you meet men and how you actually physically act around them!
- Firstly, this session will target and eliminate any anxiety and naturally begin to dissolve the negative beliefs within your mind. Within your subconscious mind you have years worth of negative beliefs and these can be hard to truly access and change – but not with hypnosis. Our natural hypnosis will transform your mindset, the way you think, and the way your mind works. Your negative and self sabotaging beliefs will literally be destroyed from the source. It will take away your negative self beliefs and make you believe in yourself. You will believe that you can attract and date good looking and interesting men, that you deserve them! When you finally transform your thinking in this way you will have much more confidence with men. Men will see and feel this and you will have much more success in dating because of it!
- Secondly it will make you comfortable around men and you will feel naturally at ease. This album will build your levels of confidence with wen from the ground up. Some women just have a “natural” confidence with men, they can talk to women, flirt naturally they aways have choice and always get the man they want. This session works to implant within your mind the exact same type of confidence – a simple, natural confidence with men which comes from inside. You will start to enjoy meeting men and talking to them, it will be a pleasurable activity and you will lose the anxiety and worried thoughts and find them replaced with excitement, energy and confidence. You will simply enjoy the process of meeting new men and talking to them. When you are truly confident with men like this, when it just comes naturally without thinking then you too will really have choice, you will feel comfortable around handsome and interesting men and dating them will come much more naturally!
What to Expect
With this unique session the benefits do build as you continue to listen – you will grow in confidence each time, which will help you to attract more men to you, improve all of your interactions with men and bring you much more success. This then feeds back in; it will further increase your confidence and this will show to men who will find you more and more attractive – this “positive spiral” just keeps growing until meeting men and feeling confident is just a natural part of who you are.
Short Term
You can and will see benefits straight after listening to this album. You will finish your first session feeling good, feeling energetic, and feeling positive about yourself. You will feel more confident and you will feel a deeper knowledge inside of you that you do deserve to have men in your life, to have choice with men and to date a good looking and interesting man.
Long Term
With more time and after several sessions you will really see dramatic improvements in your levels of confidence around men. You will notice all of your social interactions with men improve. You will start to flirt much more effortlessly and naturally and you will even find yourself going beyond boundaries of confidence you only ever used to dream about – like making the move on a man, or taking the initiative to ask a man for a date.
Ultimately you will become confident and comfortable in the company of men and you will have much more success in dating because of it.
Download your confidence with men hypnosis cd today and take the first steps towards getting the man you really want!